C3 Financial Version 4 is Here

Everything you need to know about C3 Financial Version 4 all in once place.

With a new and improved user interface and features you'll love, C3 Financial Version 4 increases your visibility and makes managing your cash supply chain easier than ever before.


Important Updates

Make Sure You Are Receiving Important Company and Product Updates
We will periodically send communications and updates by email to all clients using C3 Financial. Make sure to ask your IT department to whitelist the following two email addresses so that you don't miss important information:

Bookmark This Page for Real-time System Status Updates and Notifications
If there are any interruptions in service or status changes of any kind, a notification will be posted here:


Get the scoop on Version 4 by watching a recorded tour below

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C3 Financial Version 4 Tour for Admins

Watch Here

C3 Financial Version 4 Tour for Users

Watch Here
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Stay Ahead of the Game by Adding theC3 Financial Version 4 Help Menu to your Internal Training and Documentation

Use the following login credentials to access the
C3 Financial Version 4 Help Menu:

USERNAME: c3FinancialKB
PASSWORD: Helpme#1

Access the V4 Help Menu

"All the functionality you loved before, but with even more features and enhanced reporting."



Read more testimonials by clicking here.

Need Support? Let's Talk.

We are excited for the upcoming version release of C3 Financial, and we are working diligently to ensure we are putting out the greatest and latest update to help you manage and optimize your cash supply chain better than ever before. Your account manager or trainer will be reaching out to you for next steps, but don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Click the link below if you'd like to be contacted by our support team.